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Services We Offer



Have an existing conflict or lawsuit? CCRL offers professional mediation services in our offices and via online video conferencing.


Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process which involves all parties to a dispute and a trained mediator. The mediator serves as a “neutral third party” - one who facilitates the mediation process and helps the parties reach their own solutions to the given dispute.  


Unlike an arbitrator, a mediator does not make a decision as to which side is right or wrong; rather, a mediator works with the parties to develop a satisfactory solution to resolve the conflict or dispute. In the mediation process, the parties are intimately involved in creating a solution to resolve the dispute. Unlike a court proceeding or a trial, mediation allows for creative problem solving.


Mediator Elizabeth Link has been mediating cases for over 15 years. She offers a fair and balanced approach to resolving complex commercial, business, employment, real estate, divorce, family law, construction, personal injury and soft IP (trademark and copyright) disputes. She has over 25 years of civil litigation and trial experience which includes representing both plaintiffs and defendants in a variety of practice areas. As a result, she is uniquely poised to provide a non-biased approach to the matter at hand.  


Contact us to schedule a mediation to resolve your dispute or lawsuit.






CCRL offers professional arbitration services for existing conflicts or lawsuits in our offices and via online video conferencing.


Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution process which involves all parties to a dispute and a trained arbitrator. The arbitrator serves as a "neutral third party" who arbitrates or decides who will win or prevail on their claims. An arbitration is usually held in a conference room with all of the parties and their attorneys present.


The parties to a dispute or lawsuit usually agree to go to an arbitration in order to speed up the time it takes to get a decision. Arbitrations can be scheduled within a matter of weeks or months; whereas, the wait for a courtroom trial can be anywhere from 1-2 years.


Arbitrator Elizabeth Link has been a neutral for over 15 years. She has over 25 years of civil litigation and trial experience in the areas of complex commercial, business, employment, real estate, construction, personal injury and soft IP (trademark and copyright).  In addition, she has substantial experience representing both plaintiffs and defendants so she is uniquely poised to be a non-biased, neutral arbitrator.


Contact us to schedule an arbitration for your dispute or lawsuit.


Conflict Resolution
Skills Workshops

The Center for Conflict Resolution and Leadership offers a wide variety of conflict resolution skills workshops for individuals, corporations, small businesses, non-profit organizations, governmental entities, clergy and faith-based organizations, schools, and universities.


We specialize in creating custom workshops for corporations, small business and other organizations. Let us know what your team needs to improve their skills, productivity and the quality of their professional lives.


Workshops are offered in-person at our offices or via online video conferencing.


Visit the "Workshops" tab above to see our upcoming workshops schedule or contact us to have a customized workshop created for your organization.



Business and Life
Skills Workshops


The Center for Conflict Resolution and Leadership offers a wide variety of business and life skills workshops and classes, including conflict resolution skills, leadership skills, negotiation skills, board of directors trainings and retreats and couples communication skills.


These classes and workshops are for corporations, small businesses, non-profit organizations, governmental entities, clergy and faith-based organizations, schools, universities, families, couples and individuals.


We specialize in creating custom workshops for corporations, small business and non-profit organizations. Because every organization is unique, contact us for a no-charge consultation where we will help you determine what your team needs to improve their skills, productivity and morale. We will then create a customized workshop for your organization. 


Workshops are offered in-person at our offices or via online video conferencing.


Visit the "Workshops" tab above to see our upcoming workshops schedule or contact us to have a customized workshop created for your organization.


Conflict Consulting
for Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations


Does your organization have an existing internal conflict or dispute which you would like help with to manage or resolve it?


The Center for Conflict Resolution and Leadership offers private conflict consulting services for corporations, small businesses, non-profit organizations, governmental entities, clergy and faith-based organizations, schools and universities.


We can help your organization resolve internal conflicts or disputes and, in the process, improve employee productivity, morale, and retention.


Contact us to discuss your organization's  situation and learn how we can help resolve your internal disputes or conflicts.


Conflict Consulting
for Individuals, Couples & Families


Do you have an existing conflict or dispute which you would like help with to manage or resolve? The Center for Conflict Resolution and Leadership offers private conflict consulting services for individuals, couples and families.


We can help you manage the day-today conflict in your relationships or focus on one particularly challenging conflict.


Contact us to discuss your situation and learn how we can help you manage or resolve your conflicts or disputes.


Copyright | Center for Conflict Resolution and Leadership | 2015-23

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